02 August 2012

Soldiers' Angels Project Valour-IT: An iPad for Chris

Thanks to the generous donors giving what they can in the Valour-IT Fundraising Competition, wounded Air Force Tech Sergeant Chris Barker received an iPad from Soldiers' Angels this week.  

Chris' wounds are hidden, but they have a daily impact.  He was injured in multiple explosions during a deployment to Iraq in 2006 and has been diagnosed with severe TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), which has a profound effect on his organizational skills, cognition, and memory.  Having an iPad will help him increase his independence and everyday success by assisting with planning, reminders and record-keeping.
Chris' biggest challenge is his memory loss.  “You can be talking to somebody, having an important conversation and five or ten minutes later, you’ve forgotten the whole thing,” he says.  “Sometimes you even forget your own friend’s name. You might remember their face but can’t remember their name.  It’s frustrating.”  Now he can keep notes on his new iPad instead of trying to keep track of the large collection of paper notebooks he had been using to cope until this week.
Unlike most wounded warriors supported by Valour-IT, who are referred by their case workers or medical caregivers, Chris was identified through the Soldiers' Angels volunteer network--a volunteer knew of his TBI and told him how Valour-IT could help.  On Monday, he received his brand new iPad during a visit to the Soldiers' Angels Support Center in San Antonio. 
To help more wounded warriors like Chris, for whom an iPad or voice-controlled laptop can profoundly affect quality of life, join the friendly Valour-IT Fundraising Competition.  The goal is to raise $100,000, enough to help at least 250 wounded warriors!

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